Dr. P.V. Ramana
I have had the privilege to be at the helm of the ITM-Group of Institutions since the very beginning, and I have had the unique pleasure of witnessing thousands of careers taking off and dreams coming true, as our students turn to face the world, emboldened by their experiences at ITM and their desire to achieve something big. You are reading this message because you too, are looking forward to start something that you hope will transform your life, your career and even the planet! I am confident you have taken first steps towards making that transformation happen.
Over the years, we have come to pride on our “Merit as the only currency accepted” philosophy for admissions. ITM has never “sold a seat” nor do we believe in the practice of collecting donations or capitation fees or allow influence or lobbying to affect our admission process. Complete transparency and equal opportunity for all have been ITM’s bedrock principles for admissions.
ITM Group of Institutions